Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All Things Work Together For Good

Romans 8:28
"We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose."

I have read this very many times before...I've had it memorized but today is just really sunk in and hit home! I have this devotional book that I do each day among other things that has a little something for each day of the year. It is called "My All in All" by Robert J. Morgan. I usually do my Bible reading, then I move to this book and then do the rest of my devotions. I looked ahead today at the devotional that was sent to me and was kind of bummed that this month the one lady is doing a series on your marriage in honor of Valentine's Day. I normally have been reading them but this one was about bringing a bad marriage back around and I'm not even married--let alone I do not want to think ahead to how bad marriages could get. So I decided to just not do that one and just focus in on this little devotional. How encouraging and uplifting to know that God has every single detail of my life worked out...not just worked out but worked out for good!! I love what Robert Morgan says about this verse....

"Romans 8:28 is all-powerful, and always available. It is as omnipotent as the God who signed and sealed it. It's as loving as the Savior who died to unleash it. It can do anything God can do. It can touch any hurt and redeem any problem. It isn't a mere platitude, but a divine promise. It isn't a goal, but a guarantee. It isn't wishful thinking, but a shaft of almighty providence that lands squarely on our pathway each day and every moment...The Lord moves heaven and earth to keep this promise. He puts His eye to the microscope of Providential Oversight and scans the smallest details of our lives, working them into a tapestry of blessing, making sure that goodness and mercy follow us all our days."

Wow, now that is such a life-shaking, life-altering truth that we can rest our hearts and lives on! We always say, "yeah...God knows best for my life" but the majority of the time we do not live that out or believe it ourselves. Deep down we do not have the faith to believe that some of the things we are going through are good for us. We will often times think that God messed up in our lives and now we've officially lost control of our lives. But, rest assure that God knows exactly what is going on and what He's doing and it is for good, even if it's hard at the time. Years down the road we may be able to think back and see the big picture and praise the Lord for what He did in our lives! That's my prayer for myself each and every day. There's some hard and scary things that are going on in my life that I just need to trust and obey God and someday I'll know it was for good. Because He says that if we just love Him and follow His will--He will work it all for good!

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